Practical Information & Fees

How much does a session cost? I charge £50 for an initial session of one hour. This is payable in cash or by bank transfer. Our first session gives you the chance to see if counselling is for you and if you feel comfortable with my way of working,

If paying this on a weekly basis is genuinely an issue for you, I have a few concession spaces available. Please let me know and we can explore options.

What happens during a session?

The aim of our initial meeting is to ensure that you feel comfortable talking to me and for me to have the opportunity to assess whether I am able to support you in the way you might need. It is usually helpful to get some sense of what you would like from therapy. It may also be that you aren’t totally sure what you are looking for and it often happens that different questions or issues can arise during the course of therapy.

How many sessions will I need?

Sometimes one meeting may not feel like enough time to decide whether you wish to commit to counselling. In this case we would continue our initial exploration over two sessions. After this, I usually like to agree to meet for 5 or 6 sessions. Many people choose to continue after this time, but this initial period should give you some sense of whether my way of working suits you.

If we decide to work together, we will meet once a week (usually at the same time).


Our work together is confidential. I share aspects of our work with my supervisor, but do not identify you by name. I would only break this confidentiality if I was concerned about harm to you or another person, or if I would be liable for prosecution for not disclosing information that could prevent harm to others.

What happens if I want to finish?

Usually we can discuss when you feel you would like to end counselling and I would encourage you to voice any concerns. It is always useful to have a final session where we can review and have a clear ending.


I am located just off the middle of Leith Walk, near Pilrig Street


If you need to cancel a session, please try to give me as much notice as possible. I regret that the full fee will be payable for appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.

Phone: 07948 345 890  |   Email: